In Peace Corps there are various projects volunteers can be
involved with in addition to their primary project. For example, my primary project is teaching,
but I can also participate in secondary projects. The reading program I mentioned in my last
post is one secondary project I am working on.
That project is funded through USAID, which is trying to improve early
grade reading in Mozambique. In Mozambique,
there are also a few long-running projects funded by PEPFAR, the President’s
Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief. The four
projects are REDES, JUNTOS, English Theater, and Science Fair. I’ll talk more about REDES, JUNTOS, and English
Theater in future posts, but now I’m going to talk about Science Fair.
Science Fair was originally started by Peace Corps
volunteers in Mozambique to provide students with opportunities to get hands on
science experience, since most science classes in Mozambique are taught without
a laboratory component. It is basically
like a science fair in the states: students create projects and present them in
front of judges at a fair. There is also
an emphasis on using recycled materials and other materials of low cost. A few years ago the Mozambican government
adopted the Science Fair program as part of their Ministry of Science and
Technology. There are currently four
phases of the fair: school, district, provincial, and national. Peace Corps volunteers work alongside government
employees to realize the district, provincial, and national fairs. There are two PCVs who are the National
Coordinators and each province also has a PCV Provincial Coordinator. In January, I was asked to be the Provincial
Science Fair coordinator for Tete. My
responsibilities include working with the district and provincial representatives
to realize the fairs and to facilitate travel to the national fair. I accepted to the position, not really
knowing what it would be like at all.
Since January, I have met with the government
representatives a few times and things seemed to be moving along well. I also tried to get some students in Zobue
started on projects, but it was really difficult to explain what kind of
projects were required. With my Dad
visiting in April and the school break in May, the date of district fair (May
17th) was creeping up and I didn’t have any students with
projects. My options were to work really
hard with a few students and basically do their projects for them so they would
be ready for the fair or not to stress about it and make sure to start early next
year preparing the students. I decided
on the latter. Well, this was my first
try mobilizing students and it didn’t go so well. Now I know better what I need to do and next
year will be better, I thought. May 17th
came and went with no word about the district fair. Then came a call from the district
representative, Arsenio Amoda on May 22nd.
Let me walk you through what happened in the following two days after
that phone call.
May 22nd, 5pm
While I am walking home from school I get a call from
Arsenio Amoda.
Arsenio: Ola Sienna, tudo bem? Hi Sienna, everything good?
Sienna: Ola Arsenio, sim tudo bem como esta? Hi Arsenio, yes everything is fine. How are
Arsenio: Estou muito bem, obrigado. Vamos realizar a feira distrital o sabado e
estou a convidar a escolar secundaria de Zobue. I’m very well, thank you. We are
holding the district fair this Saturday and I would like Zobue Secondary School
to participate.
Sienna: Esta Sabado? Ok obrigada, mas nao temos alunos com
proyectos este ano. This Saturday? Ok thank you, but we don’t have any students
with projects this year.
Arsenio: Que? Nao tem? Porque nao? What? You don’t have any students with projects? Why not?
Sienna: Sim, desculpa, mas demoramos muito este ano. Yes, I’m sorry, but we were late this year.
Awkward silence….
Arsenio: Entao, eu vou falar com o director. Ok I will talk to the director.
Sienna: (realizing I just made a huge mistake because in
Mozambique you never say no) Entao, tal vez posso falar com o professor Flavio
a ver se ele tem algums alunos com proyectos. Well….I guess I could ask the physics professor Flavio if he has any
students with projects.
Arsenio: Ta bom. Obrigado. Ok, thank you.
May 22nd, 6pm
I call the physics teacher Flavio to see if he has any
ideas. He say we will meet at the school
in the morning to figure something out.
May 23rd, 8am
I get to the school and Flavio is not there. I wait in the teacher’s lounge watching a
cartoon about soccer players and a Brazilian news show about the bus strike in
Rio de Janeiro, expecting him not to show up.
May 23rd, 9 am
Flavio shows up, produces two “experiments” he has written
up, grabs two unsuspecting students from a nearby classroom and tells them they
are going to do science fair. We spend
the next two hours typing up the projects and explaining to the students what
science fair is.
May 23rd, 10:30 am
We break for the morning and tell the students to get their
materials and meet back at the school at 3:30 pm to practice.
May 23rd, 3:30 pm
I arrive back at the school and wait with one of the
students for an hour until Flavio shows up so we can practice their
presentations. The second students shows
up and says her father refuses to let her go to Moatize for the district fair
the next day. By this point, it is
almost dark and all the students have gone home. What are we going to do, Flavio asks? We need
a student who can speak Portuguese. I
call Seni and ask if he wants to participate, but he has work to do on the farm
the next day. Finally we grab a small 9th
grade boy who has the bad luck of living next to the school. He denies being able to speak Portuguese, but
lets some Portuguese slip out so he is wrangled into coming with us. We practice with the students for an hour and
it is obvious they really need more time. "Tonight you don’t sleep," Flavio says. "You stay up until midnight and practice. I don’t want to be embarrassed." The fair is in Moatize, about 2 hours away so
we agree to meet at the chapa stop at 6am the next day.
May 24th 6am Day of the Fair
Flavio and I walk to the chapa stop, but students aren’t
there. He runs up to the school in the
rain to try and find them, while I stay and try to get the chapa to wait for
us. They aren’t coming, I think. They
aren’t going to show up. Fifteen minutes
later the three of them appear. Well, I
guess we’re going, I think. We pile into
the chapa and take off.
We arrive in Moatize and spend the day at the district
fair. I’m actually pretty impressed by
how organized it is. Granted, we start
about 3 hours late, but they have judges, decorations, a schedule, speeches, theater
presentations, and serve us both snack and lunch. Since I am the Peace Corps coordinator I am
expected to make a few comments at the beginning and end of the event. I get a special spot to sit next to
Arsenio. There are 11 students from 4
schools participating. Our students are
the only ones not from the Moatize city area.
They are by far the least prepared, with the least command of
Portuguese. The winning projects include
an electric kettle made of an old water jug, a model of a human lung using a
disposable water bottle and balloons, and “therapeutic” salve. Zobue’s two students are not among those who
will move on to the provincial fair.
The fair ends and we head back to Zobue.
So, that was my adventure with the District Science
Fair. From getting the call about the
fair to returning back to Zobue on Saturday, only 48 hours passed. While I wish our students had been better
prepared and had more ownership of their projects, at least they got a free
trip to Moatize and got to see what the Science Fair actually is. Next year they will know more about what
science fair entails and hopefully will want to participate again. I can work with them earlier on to be better
prepared. Next year I also will have a
better idea of what I am preparing them for, since I’ve now seen a district
science fair myself. While there are a
lot of things I would have changed about how this district fair went, I think
it was still a good experience. I got to
work closely with a fellow teacher and see how he interacts with students. I
got to take a trip with some students and see how that all works.* As
provincial coordinator, I will still be involved in planning the provincial
fair in June and attend the national fair in Pemba in July. I’m sure it will be full of more adventures.
*It is SO different than in the US. No permission slips, no details about when we
were returning. When we got back to
Zobue in the dark (it gets dark here so early now! Winter!) I was thinking
about asking the students if they were ok walking home in the dark, but as we
were getting off the chapa before I could ask THEY asked ME if I was ok walking
home. Kids here are so capable.
Our two Zobue participants: Monica and Salumao |
A student from Moatize Escola Primaria Completa Samora Machel presenting her electric chaleira. |
The theater group, OJM, doing a skit about how parents should allow their students participate in activities like science fair. They also did a skit about not discriminating against people with HIV. |
A student presenting a project about the conductivity of water. This project was really cool and I thought it should have won. Another side note: I don't think the judging of the fair was very objective/consistent/fair and some of the projects weren't based on the most sound science. Things to work on for next year. |