Sunday, December 8, 2013

First Day in Zobue

We made it safely to Zobue! My first impressions are overall positive.  The landscape is beautiful, the people are friendly and welcoming, the temperature is manageable, the market is well-stocked, and the house is beginning to feel like home.  Here are some photos of life in Zobue, day 1. More posts to come once we've settled in a bit more.

The groups of kids that greeted us at the secondary school.

The group of neighborhood kiddos on our porch.  Cecilia, Confianza, and Catarina are the names I know so far.

Our house!

Our kitchen set-up

Part of our quintal (yard)

Our shower house and latrine
Dining room with our new pups Piro and Bwino.

Outdoor kitchen for cooking on the charcoal stove.

Shower house with our new rubber ducky shower curtain!

Our latrine...I should get some flower pots in there like my dad's outhouse in Denali.


  1. Congratulations on Day 1! We are cheering you on from Ankara, Turkey and wishing you the start of a great two years in Moz. BTW - love the idea of flower pots in the loo! ~Wendy RPCV Sri Lanka

    1. Thank you Wendy! Sorry for the late response--I'm getting caught up on responding to comments. Glad you found my blog and are enjoying reading it!
